by Christine Pesta
Whether it’s a college student, a retiree, or anything in between, there are people from all walks of life looking to make certain lifestyle changes, which may include what they choose to put on their plates. Some of those people may be choosing a vegan life.
For some, it may be quite simple and easy to make the changes they need to, where others may find themselves a sea and wondering if they are making the right decision. Still others may know its the right decision, but wonder if they really will miss some things that they consider, “go to”, foods when they are stressed, depressed, or just in need of a “food hug”. In other words – comfort food.

There are so many different types of comfort foods. Some may be sweet, some savory, or some may reflect your cultural upbringing. You may turn to them to cheer you up, help you relax, or it may just be a food you like to curl up with when you watch a movie. However, for those who are thinking of becoming vegan, there is that question at the back of their minds that keeps them wondering if they will be able to stick to their guns, or will the call of macaroni and cheese or ice cream be just too great to resist. They will wonder if any sort of substitution will taste the same, and will they enjoy it just as much, or will they just have to settle for something that either pales in comparison, or go without.
If you are just starting down the vegan road and have only just begun to get your feet wet, you can rest assured that there are plenty of vegan foods out there, whether store-bought or homemade, that are just as good as what some might call the, “real thing”. In fact, they are made with ingredients that are just as real, just as tasty (if not more so), and much better for you – not to mention better for the animals and the environment as well.
Those who may be reading this article and are skeptical about whether vegan pancakes can be just as fluffy, or a grilled cheese sandwich just as cheesy, need only try making a recipe or two to see that they will not be missing out on anything by making the decision to leave meat and dairy off of their plates.

There are so many wonderful cookbooks and instructional videos out there for those who require guidance when starting on their new lifestyle, but for those who like to just jump in and see where things lead, all they really may have to make are a few simple substitutions to turn any dish into a vegan meal.
Whole foods are best for optimum health but, let’s face it, many crave a little something from time to time that may not be considered “health food”. But even a vegan pizza is going to be a healthier choice than one that is not. So long as you are getting the proper nutrition most of the time, a little bowl of vegan macaroni and cheese, for example, should be okay for most people. You can actually still make a healthy meal out of it, while satisfying your craving, by throwing some steamed broccoli in with it.

You can even substitute one vegan comfort food for another just as delicious, but healthier, such as making your own kale chips instead of grabbing a bag of potato chips. Not that great in the kitchen? Many items these days can be found at the store. Just remember to check the labels to be sure they contain no animal products, and try to find items that are made of mostly natural ingredients.
In making the choice to become vegan you will perhaps be eating a lot more of things you hadn’t until now. In doing so, you might not miss certain comfort foods, but instead discover new favorites to replace the old ones!
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