by Christine Pesta
Just looking at the many Vegan blogs and social media channels there are out there, you see many quality resources for ideas and information about food and nutrition. It is quite impressive. However, they all seem to focus on just one aspect of what it means to be “vegan”, and that is food.
What many vegans have been frustrated with is the misconception that veganism is simply a diet. It is not. It is a lifestyle; a way of being more in tune with the planet and all of the Earthlings that live on it. It is a way of walking through the world more gently and being more conscious of how we take care of it and all living creatures residing on this planet.
I applaud those who have helped to blaze the trail by appealing to those who wish to be more health conscious and mindful of how and what they eat. For many, changing eating habits is the first step in transitioning to the vegan lifestyle. There is definitely a place for everyone who is encouraging the world to live smarter, better, healthier, and happier lives. But what does vegan mean to you?
For most who have embraced the lifestyle whole-heartedly, it means not just having changed their diet, but the fabrics they wear, the toiletries and beauty products they use, and the cars they drive. It might mean growing their own food, recycling, volunteering for trash pickups on the beach or in the parks, or donating to an animal sanctuary.
There is nothing wrong with eating a vegan diet to improve your health, but if those who are doing only that truly wish to become a vegan, there are things you can do everyday in your daily life to achieve that goal, and by doing so, save the planet and the countless lives that inhabit it.
Some people don’t really know where to start. Start at home. You can do a “spring cleaning” anytime of the year. The less clutter you have, the more calm your life will become anyway, so begin by clearing out those things that do not fit into your newly adopted lifestyle. If you have leather purses and shoes, donate them. Larger items such as a leather sofa can also be donated or perhaps even traded for something more in keeping with your new mindset. Plant a vegetable garden. Not only will you get great satisfaction from serving food you grew yourself, but it helps to ensure healthier eating as you know exactly where and how it was grown. Recycling and repurposing items in your home will also help to save the planet and your budget. There are so many possibilities and opportunities to save wear and tear on the planet when you recycle your trash or repurpose an item.
Adopting every aspect of the vegan lifestyle can make your life so much more rewarding, knowing that you are doing your part, as we all should, to be true custodians of this beautiful planet that has been entrusted to our care. We must all do our part to try to alleviate the harm being done to it right now. When you consider what the lives of future generations will be like if we don’t, it just makes sense to lead by example, which will hopefully encourage others to make the same choice for the sake of our planet.