by Christine Pesta
Have you ever seen plastic bottles still filled with drinking water in a garbage can? Sometimes you might just see them abandoned on a table or park bench. You know that whomever tossed it in that garbage can with water still inside, or who comes along to clean the park bench and throw it away, will not be thinking about the contents. That plastic water bottle will eventually wind up in a landfill with that precious water still trapped inside. It’s already been told to us time and time again that those bottles do not break down overnight. They could remain as they are for hundreds of years – with the water to remain there as well.
As water becomes more and more precious, we need to be thinking about how to conserve it in more ways than just which shower head we install in our bathroom.
If you come across an abandoned water bottle and want to be a good custodian of the Earth, don’t just throw it in the trash to help fight pollution, dump that water out first and give it back to Mother Nature.
With droughts and wildfires all over the globe, our planet can use every drop of water it can get. Let’s all help the Earth to reclaim its most precious resource!