At Live Your Life Vegan we are concerned with health. The health of our planet and all living creatures on it. As a result, we created this site to help inform people about the choices they have when it comes to the environment, their lifestyle, and the welfare of all living creatures.
Here we present the latest information regarding diet, medicine, technology, animal welfare, and environmental concerns. We also provide products that will help to enhance your lifestyle.
Through this site and social media, we are connecting with the world to spread what assistance we can to those seeking help to change their lives for the better, and to assist those wishing to do what they can to change the world for the better.
We’re in touch with the global community. It is our belief that we are all connected. We are building positive relationships with various groups, organizations, individuals, and companies that share the goal of making this world a better place.
We hope that those who visit our site will enjoy what we have created, and will follow our journey as they advance along their own chosen path. We will be keeping everyone up to date on our progress, as we pursue the goals we’ve laid out for ourselves, and hope that we can play a part in helping you to meet your goals as well.