by Christine Pesta
Sweet potatoes taste great and are extremely healthy. You should be eating them all year long. The trouble is, autumn and winter seem to be the only times most people think about sweet potatoes, let alone eat them.
They are not only an amazing source of nutrients, but they are a very versatile food that can be served up as a side dish, a dessert, or a main course. You can even throw some in your smoothie!
Whenever the holidays come around, everyone is almost guaranteed to have a sweet potato casserole or pie on their table. However, if that is the only way that you and your family are familiar with this powerful source of flavor and nutrition, you’re missing out on a true staple to your diet.
Below are just a few of the many ways sweet potatoes can benefit your health. They can be prepared in so many ways that you’ll never get tired of eating them. In fact, you’re bound to wind up with at least one sweet potato dish in your repertoire of favorite meals to whip up for you and your family.
While there are so many great reasons to eat sweet potatoes, here are seven – in no particular order – that will have you heading to the grocery store in nothing flat!
Can Help Fight Heart Disease
Sweet potatoes can help fight heart disease by lowering your LDL cholesterol. They are also full of antioxidants and rich in vitamins and minerals, like magnesium and potassium, which can help lower your blood pressure. This can help to decrease the risk of heart attacks or strokes.
Can Lower Blood Sugar
For those with Type II Diabetes, eating sweet potatoes can be beneficial. Unlike white potatoes, sweet potatoes contain many nutrients and are low on the glycemic index. This means that they are absorbed more slowly and will not spike your blood sugar.
They Are Good for Your Eyesight
Another reason to eat sweet potatoes is that they are an excellent source of Vitamin A, beta-carotene, and zinc – all of which can help to benefit your eyesight by either strengthening it, or slowing the progression of disease.
They Can Help Fight Cancer
Sweet potatoes come in many varieties, but the one thing that most of them have in common is that they have many cancer-fighting properties. Sweet potatoes contain high levels of anti-oxidants and Vitamin A, as well as its protein containing a property that is believed may help to prevent cancer.

Can Help with Digestion and Weight Loss
The fiber content in sweet potatoes can aid digestion. As a result of being high in fiber, sweet potatoes can also help you to feel full, which may help you to eat less. They can also help to reduce the growth of fat cells.
Helps with Inflammation
Sweet potatoes contain properties that can help to fight inflammation. They are high in anti-oxidants, with the purple sweet potato being one of the best varieties to combat inflammation and its discomfort.
Can Strengthen Your Immune System
Among the many ways sweet potatoes contribute to good health is by helping your immune system. Among the many vitamins and minerals in these tubers, ones such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, and many B vitamins can be found, which may help lessen the potential of catching a cold.
So whether you’re baking or mashing them, turning them into fries, or tucking into a slice of pie, make sure to include more of this amazing food into your diet. Your body will thank you for it!